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  • $17.50$59.50

    As on NPR’s Morning Edition! This tea is from the Kachibari Village in northeastern India’s Assam, one of the largest black tea production regions in the world. An unusual find from the area, this Assam highlights the passion of two producers, including Tenzing, on his organic 7 1/2 acre farm:…

  • $18.50

    Darjeelings, which hail from the foothills of the Himalayas, are a medium-bodied, fragrant style of black tea with refreshing astringency. Second flush teas represent the second harvest of the year, usually in May; the leaves are hand-plucked and rolled to allow full oxidation. To savor the nuances, brew with water…

  • $40.25

    Darjeelings, which are grown at high elevations, are a medium-bodied but complex style of black tea with refreshing astringency. Second flush teas represent the second harvest of the year, usually in May; the leaves are hand-plucked and rolled to allow full oxidation. To savor the nuances, brew with water at…

  • $33.00

    Darjeelings are standouts in the black tea category, renowned for their complex aromas and nuanced flavors. The flushes refer to the harvest: second flushes are the second hand-picking of the plants—usually in late April or early May—and the small leaves are fully withered and rolled so as to maximize oxidation.…

  • $19.50

    This Indian black tea is from the organic Seeyok Estate, which faces the Nepal border and averages 5,000 feet in elevation. The autumnal flush, only produced in years in which conditions are favorable, consists of leaves hand-harvested in the late fall—October and November—in limited quantities. The china bush variety makes…

  • $27.25

    Friends in Darjeeling introduced us to the Bermiok Estate in Sikkim, which began planting in 2003 and started producing teas in 2008. Sikkim is a former autonomous kingdom, located north of Darjeeling; remote and very mountainous, it’s also India’s only completely organic agricultural state. Bermiok is the second tea garden…