Breakfast Tea

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  • $17.50$59.50

    As on NPR’s Morning Edition! This tea is from the Kachibari Village in northeastern India’s Assam, one of the largest black tea production regions in the world. An unusual find from the area, this Assam highlights the passion of two producers, including Tenzing, on his organic 7 1/2 acre farm:…

  • $37.00

    A tea with a taste of history and terroir: hailing from the Renegade Tea Estate, in the country of Georgia, this organic farm was painstakingly started from the ruins of old tea fields in 2018, and is one of the northernmost regions of traditional production. The Georgian tea industry took…

  • $19.50

    This Indian black tea is from the organic Seeyok Estate, which faces the Nepal border and averages 5,000 feet in elevation. The autumnal flush, only produced in years in which conditions are favorable, consists of leaves hand-harvested in the late fall—October and November—in limited quantities. The china bush variety makes…

  • $31.50

    Nepalese tea stands at a crossroads, both in geography and process. Surrounded by China and India, orthodox production in this mountainous country is relatively new; the Jun Chiyabari tea garden, which makes this black tea, was founded in 2001. Utilizing cultivars from nearby Darjeeling, and techniques from Taiwan and Japan,…

  • $31.00

    As compelling to drink as it is to brew, watch as these carefully hand-picked, hand-twisted leaves unfurl into a burnished copper liquor. The full-bodied cup opens with a jammy fragrance—think orange blossom honey and plum compote—balanced by a crisp flavor, reminiscent of rhubarb and candied grapefruit peel. Hints of black…